Synergy, by definition, is “the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate parts”. The mission of Synergistic Nutrition is to foster the synergy between human and food. In doing so, a holistic approach to nutrition will be taken. Only when we acknowledge the many roles food plays in our lives, can we develop a truly healthy relationship with it.

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Lauren Gibbs received her B.S. degree in Dietetics from the University of Wyoming. Upon graduating, Lauren began working for Optum as a telehealth weight loss coach. During her time with Optum, she worked on a multi-disciplinary team providing services for Wyoming Medicaid recipients. After two years of working as a weight loss coach, Lauren was accepted to the University of Northern Colorado’s Dietetic Internship Program. 

While completing over 1,200 hours of supervised practice, she gained experience in school nutrition, hospital foodservice, supplemental nutrition programs, infant and child nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, and nutrition services for homebound elderly. In June, Lauren became licensed and registered to practice dietetics in the state of Wyoming. 

Lauren is currently working as a consultant dietitian at Meals on Wheels of Cheyenne two days per week, while starting her part time private practice, Synergistic Nutrition, LLC. She is truly passionate about working one on one with individuals in order to achieve happier, healthier lives.